ArtLab @ the Lowe | 11 Intervisual Cubans

Cover art from 11 Intervisual Cubans exhibition Cover art for 11 Intervisual Cubans exhibition

Chris Rogers, Yazi; ArtLab @ the Lowe 2020 Curators. Inspired by Leandro Soto’s The It So Happened, and 5 diseñadores teatrales (1961). 

Online Exhibition

11 Intervisual Cubans  is an exhibition curated by students who were enrolled in ARH 511, SPA 360, LAS 302, and LAS 602: ArtLab @ The Lowe during the Spring 2020 semester. This curatorial studies seminar provides students with the unique opportunity to organize an exhibition annually, based on a theme related to the expertise of that year’s instructor. This year, the exhibit brings together for the first time Cuban artists’ scenographic designs with their paintings, sculptures, and body art, establishing a new dialogue among artists in Greater Cuba.

11 Cuban*s Intervisuales es una exposición creada por las estudiantes de ARH 511, SPA 360, LAS 302 y LAS 602: ArtLab @ The Lowe, durante el semestre de primavera de 2020. Este seminario les brinda la oportunidad única de organizar una exhibición anual, basada en la experiencia del/la profesora de cada año. Este año, la exposición reúne por primera vez los diseños escenográficos de artistas cuban*s en diálogo con sus pinturas, esculturas y arte corporal, estableciendo nuevas conexiones entre artistas en la Gran Cuba.

Logos for the American Alliance of Museums, Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs, Miami-Dade County, City of Coral Gables, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami Libraries 

