The Visual Description Project

Lowe Exterior Lowe Exterior Large
Exterior view of the Lowe Art Museum, seen through Hans Van De Bovenkamp's Circles and Waves XX


What is a Visual Description?

A visual description is a structured and detailed account that conveys the visual elements and characteristics of a person, object, scene, or artwork. It involves describing the visual elements and characteristics such as color, shape, texture, composition, context, and mood, to create a mental picture for the reader or listener.

Benefits of Visual Descriptions:

  • Accessibility: Visual descriptions help make objects, exhibits, and displays more accessible to people with disabilities or limitations, such as low vision or blindness.
  • Inclusivity: By incorporating visual descriptions into objects, exhibits, and displays, the Lowe creates a more inclusive environment and reaches a wider audience.
  • Slowing Down: Visual descriptions help visitors slow down and realize all of the foundational details of objects on display. This slowing down aligns with mindful practices related to being present.
  • Engagement: Visual descriptions enhance the overall visitor experience by providing more opportunities for engagement and interaction including mindful experiences.
  • Learning: Visual description serve as a valuable learning tool that can provide visitors with a more comprehensive understanding of the object, exhibit, and or display.
  • Enhanced Collections Access: Visual descriptions will become part of the data people can access related to object information and enhance collection access experience for onsite and online visitors.

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For more information about digital engagement projects and opportunities at the Lowe, please contact